mobile: (+30) 6974735896
phone: (+30) 2310327888

Psychologist, Sexologoist, Psychotherapy, Couple Counselor

Christina Kalogianni, M.A. & M.Sc.
Psychologist, Sexologoist, Psychotherapy, Couple Counselor

Address: Filellinon 12, 54645, Thessaloniki, Greece.
E-mail: p.s.kalogianni@gmail.com
Telephone: (+30) 6974735896 or (+30) 2310327888
If you are calling from abroad or from a secret number, the telephone line might not work. In this case contact should be made by e-mail.
If you are interested to have an appointment through Skype please contact me at the above phone numbers or email for details.

If you drive

You can park close to the area V. Olgas av. & 25th Martiou str. (parking is free around the area, except V. Olgas av. where a parking card is needed).
Or you can park at the pay-by-the-hour open air car park situated at the 181 V.Olgas av.

If you use a bus

You can use buses : 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 31, 33, 39 or 45 and alight at stop «25th Martiou».

You can also use bus 30 and alight at the stop
«V. Olgas».

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